Monday, 8 September 2008

Amy Winehouse...

Amy Winehouse is 24, successful, and part of the music industry. What did everyone expect to happen?

I know that tabloids have pages to fill, but is the constant public criticism and finger wagging really going to help a girl like Ms Winehouse? If Amy wants to indulge in 'self destructive' behaviour which is damaging to her career then fair enough, she should be left to do it, and offered help and support if and when she decides she needs it.

As much as we like to think that these celebrities, whom we love to see fall from the dizzying heights we place them, are public property as soon as our beloved red topped newspapers say so, they are still human beings, and as such deserve a degree of respect and dignity regardless of their lifestyle.

Hearing about Amy's Bestival appearance over the weekend, and how angry people seem to get about the constant cancellations and below par performances, what amazes me most is that fans are still buying tickets to these events at all, as if this time it'll be different. Perhaps the realisation her music has suffered so much that no-one is coming to see her anymore will be enough to set her back on track.

And if not, instead of criticizing and banging on about 'wasted talent' and her 'excessive' lifestyle, just listen to 'Back to Black' or 'Frank' and be grateful that she ever released anything at all.

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